Sunday, April 5, 2020

COVID-19 An Account April 5, 2020

I just can't listen to him anymore.  His lies are so obvious. He tells the American people that everything is under control, and it is clearly not.  New York is running out of ventilators after Trump decided there weren't as many needed as was requested. Taking the word of Jared Kushner who has NO experience in anything related to a pandemic. If it's thought that the request was over estimated, than experts should have been consulted as to what actually was needed.  People are dying. How many times must it be said?  Isn't it better to have more than you need than to have people dying needlessly?
Speaking of dying needlessly, there are churches (pastors, ministers, etc.) compelling their congregations to attend during all this, even going so far as laying hands and other physical practices.  I'm not saying that I don't believe that God could protect them, but I do believe that if God gives you doctors, scientists and leaders who are warning you not to go out and gather in groups, than maybe you should listen. It's like that story when a man is stranded in the middle of the ocean. He prays to God "Save me! I know you will save me, I have faith in you." A boat goes by and the man says "I'm okay! God is going to save me!" An airplane and a helicopter go by and he says the same thing. After a while the man prays "God, why have you not saved me?" and God answered: "I sent you a boat, an airplane and a helicopter and you turned them away!" God is telling you to listen to the experts. He will still listen when you're not at church. Your faith is in your heart, not in a building.
The problem is that some people, and there is no effort to change this, believe that President Trump was sent from God, that he is "the chosen one". These are Trump's words. This is a man who has been married several times, has been unfaithful to at least some of those wives, who says things like "You can grab them by the p#&%$" in regards to women.  He is someone who lies on a regular basis (this has been fact checked) and clearly thinks of himself above all others. He has no humility or even an ounce of humanity. He's totally okay with separating children from their parents/families. He's clearly racist, homophobic and misogynistic. This is their "chosen one"? Wow. Good luck with that. I have tried not to call names because I know that I have friends and even family members who support Donald Trump. I try and respect everyone's opinion, but the Republican Party is out of control.  Their greed is overwhelming. I watch as the rich get richer and the rest of us pay for it. How much do you need before you stop grabbing it from others? It all makes no sense to me. The people I know who are the most kind hearted and generous, are usually the ones who don't have very much. It's a sacrifice to give to others and yet they still do.  The rich hold on to their money like an oyster, clamping down to protect it's pearl, but someday, someone will pry them open. I kinda' feel sorry for what's coming for them...kinda'.
Meanwhile our president takes "no responsibility" for anything, not his delay in responding, nor his incompetence in getting much needed supplies to hospitals all over our country. He keeps claiming he's doing a great job, as more people die every day. The federal government is not a "shipping clerk" and they are only a "back up". Um, no. Once you've announced a "National Emergency" it's YOUR job to make sure the states have what they need. It's your job to coordinate getting the word out, to secure supplies, distribute those supplies, and listen to the experts for guidance.  WE PAY YOU! You are supposed to put the American people FIRST. Get over yourself and do your job Mr. Trump. Now.

Thank you to the Mayfair Monsoons Marching Corps for this image.

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