Well, no poems yet, but I got the prompt and am working on something. It usually takes a few days to get myself in poeming form.
So what's happening on the COVID-19 front? Not much new sadly. I did see a report that stated the virus has more cases in my city, so that's...great. The governors of several states have been speaking up about their needs, some of them carefully speaking in order not to piss off his majesty. Apparently you must be "nice" to him in order to get the medical supplies you need. I saw someone on Facebook trying to defend him saying that some of us only look at the negative things and ignore anything positive. The problem in this particular situation is that people are DYING because he's being petty. People are dying because he shut down the Pandemic Task Force. That'll never happen right? Why waste money on something that's never going to happen? He tried to defend his earlier comments about the Corona Virus being no big deal, by saying. he was just trying to be positive, what's wrong with that? It's wrong because people took you at your word, and some STILL refuse to follow the stay at home guidelines and that endangers all of us. Apparently he was also trying to be positive when he turned down the World Health Organization's offer of testing kits. No, we can do it ourselves. We are the United States, after all. How'd that work out? Not all that well. "Anyone who wants to be tested can be tested," he said. That's not true either, even weeks now after he said it. As for me, I have to fight the feeling that I just want him to get COVID-19, because as bad a job as I think he's doing, I'm not like that; but every morning I wake up, usually around 4:00 in the morning, and I'm worried. I try deep breathing, meditation, scrolling through pictures of my grandsons, anything to stave away the fear. Nothing works. I imagine myself going to the hospital with no chance to say goodbye to my kids, grand-kids, mom, brothers, sisters, friends...and I never come home. I wouldn't be the first, or the last.
It's not Donald Trump's fault that this virus exists or even that it's spreading around the world. It is his fault that for too long, he ignored the experts. It is his fault that he's more excited about the ratings of his news conferences, than he is about doing his job; and it is his fault that people are dying because of his lies and his wanting to be "positive" at a time when he should have been preparing the people in this country about what was coming. Maybe you think I'm just listening to the "liberal news", and believing all the hoaxes and lies. Nope. I actually fact check. I listen to his whole speeches, not just sound bites. I hear what is coming out of his mouth and I look up his tweets to make sure someone isn't just saying those are his words. I see him bash people that he doesn't like and try to intimidate people with those tweets, and with his own words. He abuses his power by silencing reporters and then announcing that what they are asking is fake news, all the while refusing to answer the important questions. He keeps bringing up the impeachment as a hoax when he was the one who refused to release witnesses and documents. If someone is innocent, why would they be concerned about witnesses? His minions voted against removal so he thinks he's won. That's not winning. That's cheating. He fired people who spoke out against him. That's not a president, that's a dictator. If you're thinking I'm making all this up, than do a little homework. Watch another news channel. Better yet, watch a news channel from another country, They have no "agenda" to make the president look bad. They just tell it like they see it. Maybe you aren't afraid EVERY DAY that you are going to die, and die suffocating, in pain...alone because of his pettiness and incompetence.
I am.
Suddenly I'm inspired to write my poem. What do ya' know?
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