Tuesday, March 31, 2020

COVID-19 An Account March 31, 2020

This will be a short message since as usual I am awake much later than I should be. I tried to stay away from the news but I couldn't help myself. The strange thing is, it's all becoming just noise. I putz around my small house and it's just on. It's background sound to keep me from going crazy. (I know, too late.) Today however is March 31, which although the "Stay at home+ orders are still in effect until the end of next month, is good for another reason. Tomorrow is April 1st.  No, I'm not a big fan of April Fool's Day pranks. April is National Poetry Month! The past few years have been...complicated for me, but this year I think I can pull it off.  What, you ask? The April Poem a Day Challenge! Robert Lee Brewer, an editor for Writer's Digest offers prompts every day in the month of April for poets to base their poetry on. He's pretty flexible on what you do with the prompt so it's usually a lot of fun. So here I go. I'm hoping to continue here, but it might be a little less.
If you want to read my poems they will be on my poetry blog: Care Packages.


I'm hoping to find myself in a happier world.

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