Thursday, March 19, 2020

COVID-19 An Account, March 19, 2020

Well, it's official. The State of California has officially announced a "stay at home" order.  Although I normally do spend a lot of time at home, wanting to and being ordered to are totally different.  I wouldn't mind, but it cuts me off from my kids and grandchildren. I miss my babies so much I want to cry.  I try not to worry and keep telling myself it won't last too long, but I haven't convinced myself yet. When I watch the news I feel like I'm watching that guy that built the homemade rocket getting ready to launch into space. I'm fairly sure it's not going to end well, but I can't stop watching (and look how that worked out). Part of me struggles to be optimistic and hopes that when I turn on the new there will be some new treatment or vaccine. Unfortunately what I see or rather hear on the news is lots of talking. This is or isn't happening. The numbers are rising. We aren't prepared. Keep washing your hands. Keep calm; we'll get through this. Why aren't we prepared? Give us updates on what is actually happening. I don't care anymore about what is supposed to happen. What's the delay? People are dying, and I'd rather not be the next one, while all of you,"leaders" of our country, bumble about straightening your ties, fumbling with your pens and paper, and applying sticky red tape onto everything.
It's a helpless feeling staying put. I know it could be much worse. I hope it won't get worse.

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