Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Well, What Do You Know?

Can you believe it? I'm back, and only a day later. Shocker. Granted, I'm getting in just under the wire, but still...
Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to talk about the most exciting thing that happened today. I found out the gender of my grandchild. My daughter wants to have one of those "Gender Reveal Parties". That's a "thing". Yes, I know. I'm showing my age. When I had my first baby, I think I only had one, maybe two ultrasounds. Now, they do them all the time. I didn't know what my baby was until she was born. And now my baby, is having a baby. I'm going to be a grandmother. Yikes.
So since they want to make a big announcement, I have to keep it under my hat for a while.
Well if I'm going to post this before midnight, I better go.
Until (hopefully) tomorrow. (Which technically is 2 minutes from now...)

Caren E. Salas

My baby.

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