Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 15 - Two Steps Back

Not a good day for me. Woke up feeling stiff and tired, by afternoon I had a bad headache and couldn't for the life of me, get motivated to even walk the dog. These kinds of days happen. In my case, the fatigue caused by my MS sometimes gets the best of me, and not only do I feel exhausted, but depressed because I feel like I have no energy even for the simplest tasks.  The challenge in this, is not to let it become a pattern, like it has so many times in the past. So, what to do? Well, I have to get some rest, and decide that tomorrow will be a better day. I'm hoping that you, my friends and faithful readers will be rooting for me; actually I'm counting on it. Hopefully, some of you are on the road with me. Since I am determined to try and write my experiences here every day on my (our) journey, I feel like I'm accountable. I can't let you all down any more than I can let myself down. I need to continue on, try again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next...  2012 may be the year the world ends, but by golly, I'm going out in a blaze of glory, if it kills me (and it just might, ha-ha). Tomorrow will be a better day. Tomorrow will be a better day. (My mantra) Tomorrow will be a better day....

Caren E. Salas

photo by William Salas

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